Agriculturally Related Vocational Training
Students learn general work skills such as following instructions and attending to task while also learning specific skills related to agriculture and farm life such as care of animals, gardening, making items such as jelly and pickles, and selling the items they produce.
Daily Living Skills
Students also have the opportunity to practice life skills such as meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking lunch, baking, washing dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, and doing laundry.
Community Involvement
Students are involved on a daily basis with the greater community learning skills related to shopping, volunteering at various locations in the community, using the library, and taking art classes.
Social Skills
Students have numerous opportunities to develop their social skills both in natural environments and in structured social skills sessions. We focus on teamwork and developing friendships.
Health, Fitness, and Recreation
We believe in the value of developing a healthy lifestyle that includes not only eating nutritious food but also exercising. We help students to participate in activities such as playing soccer and basketball, hiking, swimming, using exercise equipment, snowshoeing, and yoga.
Contact us today and we'd be happy to tell you more about Farmsteads of New England and the services we provide.
At Rosewald Farm
213 Center Road
Hillsborough, NH 03244
At Redberry Farm
38 Plumer Road
Epping, NH 03042
© Copyright
Farmsteads of New England